The letter out of the blue #TheBookBlogTrain

Hello @twin_torment!

No! Not the person, I mean you. Yes, you. The “Account”.

Recognized me, dear? Yeah, I know you won’t forget me, you can’t. Just joking dude.
So, how’s it been going? By the way, I want to say sorry. Sorry! Because of not posting daily, or even regularly. I see so many bookstagrammers posting every day, so many of them being classy or cool, so popular. And us? We’re doing our bit slowly. Maybe too slow sometimes. But dear, I’m happy. And I feel that you’re too. We love books the same way as the others out there, no more no less. It’s a passion. And every one likes pursuing passions in different ways. Ours is the slow one, the process that doesn’t have a hard and fast “regular”, a process that lets you cherish itself, enjoy your way through. And I can’t deny we’re lazy; we love lingering lazily between the pages. We wait for the perfect timing rather than creating the conditions for a good shot. We love nature’s work (didn’t I mention we, or rather I am lazy?). We love relishing the pictures before sharing them with the world. We are greedy as well I see. And honey, this is a slow process, too slow to be regular.

You’re a Bookstagram “account” right? So, what’re those bits of wordings doing out there? Well, I am supposed to explain right? Answer me first.

What’s a book made of? Paper, ink, glue…

What’s there on the paper? Umm… text or images.

Text means words, don’t they? Now, what do those text or images depict?A story, event or narration.

What’re my wordings about? Mostly micro tales. About some event…
My wordings are a story relating to an event in words. According to me, that would be similar to a summary of books (novels at least). Can you find anything similar now? Anything relevant?

Ho Ho! Case dismissed! If this were an Instagram post, I’d be using the ‘#writersunite’ hashtag. LoL. Not like I am alleging you or something, just a joke. (Caution: Jokes are not to be taken to heart. Injurious to health and relationships.)

But the reason I am writing this (apart from the book blog train) is to be corrected if I am wrong. I assume you are happy. But, … are you really so? From the heart? Or just the “I am fine thank you” type? Are you happy enough to dance in the rain? Are you happy enough for a smiling candid? Just how “happy” are you? That’s what I wanna know.

I will be waiting for your reply. No. I’ll be eagerly waiting. And I’d recommend sending it via e-mail. Letters are classy alright, but the wait is too long. Toooooo long for an eager soul. And you know it already, right?!

I need to post it now. It’s high time. So, see you around soon right?

Your bookish partner on IG 😉

This article is written as a part of #Thebookblogtrain conducted by Vidhya Thakkar and Siddhi Palande powered by Penguin India and Redwolf should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

44 thoughts on “The letter out of the blue #TheBookBlogTrain

    1. I hope it does! Glad you could connect. I never before thought about writing to my bookstagram.
      Btw you’re in the same category as me right? “The Irregular people”😁😉


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